
meadow grass woman


[महाभारतका सार ]
महर्षिर्भगवान् व्यासः कृत्वेमां संहितां पुरा । श्लोकैश्चतुर्भिर्धर्मात्मा पुत्रमध्यापयच्छुकम् ॥ धर्ममूर्ति ऋषिप्रवर भगवान् व्यासदेवने पूर्वकालमें महाभारतसंहिताका प्रणयन करके (इसका सारभूत आशय चार श्लोकों (भारत-सावित्री) के माध्यमसे अपने पुत्र
श्रीशुकदेवजीको समझाया था
मातापितृसहस्त्राणि पुत्रदारशतानि च।
संसारेष्वनुभूतानि यान्ति यास्यन्ति चापरे ॥
हर्षस्थान सहस्त्राणि भयस्थानशतानि च।
दिवसे दिवसे मूढमाविशन्ति न पण्डितम्।
ऊर्ध्वबाहुर्विरौम्येष न च कश्चिच्छृणोति मे।
धर्मादर्थश्च कामश्च स किमर्थं न सेव्यते ॥
न जातु कामान्न भयान्न लोभाद् धर्म
त्यजेज्जीवितस्यापि हेतोः ।
धर्मो नित्यः सुखदुःखे त्वनित्ये जीवो नित्यो हेतुरस्य त्वनित्यःI
इमां भारतसावित्रींप्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत् ।
स भारतफलं प्राप्य परं ब्रह्माधिगच्छति
मनुष्य इस जगत्में हजारों माता-पिताओं तथा सैकड़ों स्त्री-पुत्रोंके संयोग-वियोगका अनुभव कर चुके हैं, | करते हैं और करते रहेंगे। अज्ञानी पुरुषको प्रतिदिन हर्षके हजारों और भयके सैकड़ों अवसर प्राप्त होते रहते हैं; किंतु विद्वान् पुरुषके उनका कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता है। मैं दोनों हाथ ऊपर उठाकर पुकार पुकारकर कह रहा हूँ, पर मेरी बात कोई नहीं सुनता। धर्मसे [मोक्ष तो सिद्ध होता ही है] अर्थ और काम भी सिद्ध होते हैं तो भी लोग उसका सेवन क्यों नहीं करते! कामनासे, भयसे, लोभसे अथवा प्राण बचानेके लिये भी धर्मका त्याग न करे। धर्म नित्य है और सुख-दुःख अनित्य इसी प्रकार जीवात्मा नित्य है और उसके बन्धनका हेतु अनित्य । यह महाभारतका सारभूत उपदेश ‘भारत-सावित्री’ के नामसे प्रसिद्ध है। जो प्रतिदिन सबेरे उठकर इसका पाठ करता है, वह सम्पूर्ण महाभारतके अध्ययनका फल पाकर परब्रह्म परमात्माको प्राप्त कर लेता है।

[Summary of the Mahabharata]
In the past the great sage Vyasa composed this saṁhitā. The righteous sage instructed his son Śukadeva Gosvāmī in four verses. Lord Vyasadeva, the great sage of Dharma, composed the Mahabharata Samhita in the past (its essence means through four verses (Bharata-Savitri) to his son
Sri Shukdevji had explained
Thousands of parents and hundreds of sons and wives
Others experienced in the material world will pass away, and others will pass away.
There are thousands of places of joy and hundreds of places of fear
Day by day they enter a fool, not a wise man.
I am withdrawing my arms upwards and no one is listening to me
Why are religion, wealth and lust not served?
Never by desire, nor by fear, nor by greed, is righteousness
He should give up even for the sake of his life.
Righteousness is eternal in pleasure and pain, but the living entity is eternal in pleasure and pain, but the cause of it is eternalI
One who rises in the morning and recites this Bhārata-sāvitrī.
He attains the fruits of India and attains the Supreme Brahman
Man has experienced the union and separation of thousands of parents and hundreds of daughters and sons in this world They do and will continue to do so. The ignorant man has thousands of opportunities for joy and hundreds of opportunities for fear every day; But the learned man has no influence on them. I am crying out with both hands up, but no one hears me. Even if Dharma [also accomplishes salvation] accomplishes wealth and desire, why don’t people consume it? He should not renounce religion out of desire, fear, greed or even to save his life. Religion is eternal and pleasure and pain are impermanent. Similarly, the soul is eternal and the cause of its bondage is impermanent. This is the essential teaching of the Mahabharata known as ‘Bharat-Savitri’. Whoever gets up every morning and recites it, he gets the fruits of studying the entire Mahabharata and attains the Supreme Brahman.

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