चोरोंका सत्कार

jesus christ jesus religion

करीब डेढ़ सौ वर्ष बीत चुके होंगे। चम्पारनमें केशरिया थानाके अन्तर्गत एक ढेकहा गाँव है। वहीं गण्डक नदीके किनारे श्रीकर्त्ताराम बाबा और श्रीधवलराम बाबाका मन्दिर था । मन्दिरके अंदर कुल ढाई-तीन बीघा जमीन थी। उसी जमीनकी फसलसे अतिथियोंका स्वागत होता था तथा मूँजकी रस्सियाँ बनाकर हाटों बाजारोंमें बेचकर मन्दिरके दीपक इत्यादिका इंतजाम बाबा लोग किया करते थे।

अगहनका महीना था। दोनों बाबा अपने मन्दिरमें सोये थे, मन्दिरकी जमीनमें कुछ धान पका था। बाबा लोगोंका विचार उस फसलको काटनेका था। उसी रातको करीब पंद्रह-बीस चोरोंने बाबाके कुल पके हुए।धानको काटकर बाँध लिया। जब उन लोगोंने बोझोंको उठाकर सिरपर रखा और उन्हें ले जानेका विचार किया, तब उनको रास्ता ही नहीं सूझा। वे खेतमें ही अंधे हो गये। समूची रात वे जाड़ेसे काँपते हुए उसी खेतमें भटकते रहे।

रातके चौथे प्रहरमें कर्ताराम बाबाने जागते ही धवलराम बाबाको जगाकर उन चोरोंके लिये खानेकी सामग्री भेजी। धवलराम बाबाके खेतमें पहुँचते ही सब चोर लज्जित हो गये। बाबा तो क्षमामूर्ति थे ही, उन्होंने उन लोगोंको सान्त्वना दी, खानेको दिया और साथ ही धानके बोझोंमेंसे उनको उचित मजदूरी भी दी। उन | चोरोंका चोरीका पेशा उसी दिनसे छूट गया।

About one hundred and fifty years must have passed. There is a Dhekha village under Keshariya police station in Champaran. There was a temple of Shri Karttaram Baba and Shridhavalram Baba on the banks of river Gandak. There was a total of two and a half to three bighas of land inside the temple. The guests were welcomed from the crops of the same land, and by making ropes made of hemp seeds and selling them in the haats and markets, Baba used to make arrangements for the lamps etc. of the temple.
It was the month of Agahan. Both Baba were sleeping in their temple, some paddy was ripe in the temple ground. Baba’s idea was to harvest that crop. That same night, about fifteen to twenty thieves cut and tied up Baba’s family’s ripe paddy. When those people lifted the burdens and put them on their heads and thought of carrying them, then they could not think of a way. He became blind in the field itself. The whole night they wandered in the same field, shivering with cold.
As soon as he woke up in the fourth quarter of the night, Kartaram Baba woke up Dhavalram Baba and sent food items for those thieves. All the thieves were ashamed as soon as they reached Dhavalram Baba’s field. Baba was forgiving, he consoled those people, gave them food and also gave them fair wages from the loads of paddy. those | Thieves lost their profession of stealing from that very day.

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