एक बार गांधीजीके यहाँ, जब कि वे आठ वर्षके थे, कोई उत्सव था। उस दिन भोजनके लिये कई लोग आमन्त्रित थे जिनमें गाँधीजीके एक समवयस्क मित्र भी थे। उस दिन भोजनमें प्रधान खाद्य वस्तु थी आमका फल। भूलसे उस दिन उचित समयपर उस मित्रको सूचना नहीं मिल सकी। अतएव वह सम्मिलित नहींहो सका। गांधीजीको इससे बड़ा आघात पहुँचा। बस ! शिष्टाचारकी इस चूकके प्रायश्चित्तमें उस दिनसे उन्होंने आम न खानेका व्रत ले लिया और पूरे एक वर्षतक आम नहीं खाये। उनके माता-पिता तथा पूर्वोक्त मित्रने भी बड़ा आग्रह किया कि वे इस व्रतको छोड़ दें; पर उन्होंने अपनी टेक पूरी करके ही छोड़ी। – जा0 श0
Once there was a celebration at Gandhiji’s place, when he was eight years old. Many people were invited for dinner that day, including one of Gandhiji’s peer friends. Mango fruit was the main food item in the food that day. By mistake, that friend could not get the information at the right time on that day. So he could not attend. Gandhiji was deeply hurt by this. bus ! To atone for this lapse of etiquette, from that day he took a vow not to eat mangoes and did not eat mangoes for a whole year. His parents and the aforesaid friend also strongly urged him to leave this fast; But he left only after completing his take. – Ja0 Sh0