
अस्य श्रीमातङ्गी शतनाम स्तोत्रस्य भगवान्मतङ्ग ऋषिः अनुष्टुप् छन्दः मातङ्गी देवता मातङ्गीप्रीतये जपे विनियोगः।

महामत्तमातङ्गिनी सिद्धिरूपा
तथा योगिनी भद्रकाली रमा च।
भवानी भवप्रीतिदा भूतियुक्ता
भवाराधिता भूतिसम्पत्करी च।।

धनाधीशमाता धनागारदृष्टि
र्धनेशार्चिता धीरवापीवराङ्गी।
प्रकृष्टप्रभारूपिणी कामरूपप्रहृष्टा
महाकीर्तिदा कर्णनाली।।

कराली भगा घोररूपा भगाङ्गी
भगाह्वा भगप्रीतिदा भीमरूपा।
भवानी महाकौशिकी कोशपूर्णा
किशोरीकिशोरप्रियानन्द ईहा।।

महाकारणाकारणा कर्मशीला
कपालिप्रसिद्धा महासिद्खण्डा।
मकारप्रिया मानरूपा महेशी

क्षमाक्षेमशीला क्षपाकारिणी
चाक्षयप्रीतिदा भूतियुक्ता भवानी।
भवाराधिता भूतिसत्यात्मिका च
प्रभोद्भासिता भानुभास्वत्करा च।।

धराधीशमाता धरागारदृष्टि
र्धरेशार्चिता धीवराधीवराङ्गी।
प्रकृष्टप्रभारूपिणी प्राणरूप
प्रकृष्टस्वरूपा स्वरूपप्रिया च।।

चलत्कुण्डला कामिनी कान्तयुक्ता
कपालाचला कालकोद्धारिणी च।
कदम्बप्रिया कोटरीकोटदेहा क्रमा
कीर्तिदा कर्णरूपा च काक्ष्मीः।।

क्षमाङ्गी क्षयप्रेमरूपा क्षपा च
क्षयाक्षा क्षयाह्वा क्षयप्रान्तरा च।
क्षवत्कामिनी क्षारिणी क्षीरपूर्णा
शिवाङ्गी च शाकम्भरी शाकदेहा।।

महाशाकयज्ञा फलप्राशका च
शकाह्वा शकाह्वाशकाख्या शका च।
शकाक्षान्तरोषा सुरोषा सुरेखा
महाशेषयज्ञोपवीतप्रिया च।।

जयन्ती जया जाग्रतीयोग्यरूपा
जयाङ्गा जपध्यानसन्तुष्टसंज्ञा।
जयप्राणरूपा जयस्वर्णदेहा
जयज्वालिनी यामिनी याम्यरूपा।।

जगन्मातृरूपा जगद्रक्षणा च
स्वधावौषडन्ता विलम्बाविलम्बा।
षडङ्गा महालम्बरूपासिहस्ता
पदाहारिणीहारिणी हारिणी च।।

महामङ्गला मङ्गलप्रेम कीर्ति
र्निशुम्भच्छिदा शुम्भदर्पत्वहा च।
तथा चण्डमुण्डापदामुख्यचण्डा।।

प्रचण्डाप्रचण्डा महाचण्डवेगा
चलच्चामरा चामराचन्द्रकीर्तिः।
सुसङ्गीतगीता च पायादपायात्।।

इति ते कथितं देवि नाम्नामष्टोत्तरं शतम्।
गोप्यञ्च सर्वतन्त्रेषु गोपनीयञ्च सर्वदा।।

।। इति श्रीरुद्रयामले मातङ्गी शतनामस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।।

This Sri Matangi Shatanam Stotra is chanted by the sage Matangi in the Anuṣṭup chant and the deity Matangi.

Mahamattamatangini siddhirupa and the yogini Bhadrakali and Rama. Bhavani is pleasing to the world and is endowed with happiness She is worshiped by Bhava and brings wealth to the world.

Treasurer Mother Treasury Vision rdhanesharchita dhiravapivarangi. She is in the form of excellent radiance and is delighted in the form of desire Mahakirtida Karnanaali.

Karali Bhaga Ghorrupa Bhagangi Bhagahva Bhagapreetida Bhimarupa. Bhavani Mahakaushiki Koshapurna KishoreKishorePriyananda here.

Mahakaranakarana karmashila Kapaliprasiddha Mahasiddhakhanda. Makarpriya Manrupa Maheshi Mahollasinilasyalilalayangi.

Forgiving, forgiving, and forgiving She is also endowed with inexhaustible pleasure and happiness. She is worshiped by Bhava and is true to herself She was illuminated by the Lord and her hands shone like the sun.

Dharadhishamata Dharagaradrishti rdharesharchita dhivaradhivarangi. The life-form in the form of outstanding radiance She is excellent in appearance and loves appearance.

The moving earrings are lustful and lovely Kapalachala and Kalakodharini. Kadambapriya Kotarikotdeha Krama Kakshmi is the giver of fame and the form of ears.

Forgiving and the night in the form of decaying love The eyes of decay, the call of decay, and the margin of decay. It is bloody, salty and full of milk Shivaangi and Shakambhari are the vegetable bodies.

and the great vegetable sacrifice and the fruit-eater Shakahva and Shaka called Shakahvashaka. Shakakshantarosa Surosha Surekha and dear to the Mahashesha Yajna and Upavita.

Jayanti Jaya is the form worthy of awakening Jayanga is satisfied with chanting and meditating. Jayapranarupa Jayaswarnadeha Jayajvalini Yamini Yamyarupa.

She is the mother of the universe and the protector of the universe Svadhavaushadanta vilambavilamba. Six-headed, greatly elongated, sword-wielding The destroyer of the foot and the destroyer of the foot.

Mahamangala Mangalaprem Kirti rnishumbhachida and destroyer of the pride of Shumbha. and the seed of bliss and other liberated forms and Chandamuṇḍapadamukhyacaṇḍa.

tremendous tremendous speed Chalachamara Chamarachandrakirti. Suchamikarachitrabhushodjvalangi and a well-tuned song from the foot to the foot.

“O goddess I have thus described to you one hundred and eighteen names It is also confidential in all systems and should always be kept confidential.

।। This is the complete Matangi Shatanaama Stotram in Sri Rudra Yamala.

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