श्रीचैतन्य महाप्रभु उन दिनों नवद्वीपमें निमाईके नामसे ही जाने जाते थे। उनकी अवस्था केवल सोलह वर्षकी थी। व्याकरणकी शिक्षा समाप्त करके उन्होंने न्यायशास्त्रका महान् अध्ययन किया और उसपर एक ग्रन्थ भी लिख रहे थे। उनके सहपाठी पं0 श्रीरघुनाथजी उन्हीं दिनों न्यायपर अपना ‘दीधिति’ नामक ग्रन्थ लिख रहे थे, जो इस विषयका प्रख्यात ग्रन्थ माना जाता है।
पं0 श्रीरघुनाथजीको पता लगा कि निमाई भी न्यायपर कोई ग्रन्थ लिख रहे हैं। उन्होंने उस ग्रन्थको देखनेकी इच्छा प्रकट की। दूसरे दिन निमाई अपना ग्रन्थ साथ ले आये और पाठशालाके मार्गमें जब दोनों साथी नौकापर बैठे तब वहीं निमाई अपना ग्रन्थ सुनाने लगे। उस ग्रन्थको सुननेसे रघुनाथ पण्डितको बड़ा दुःख हुआ। उनके नेत्रोंसे आँसूकी बूँदें टपकने लगीं।
पढ़ते-पढ़ते निमाईने बीचमें सिर उठाया और – रघुनाथको रोते देखा तो आश्चर्यसे बोले- ‘भैया! तुम रो क्यों रहे हो ?”
रघुनाथने सरल भावसे कहा- ‘मैं इस अभिलाषासे एक ग्रन्थ लिख रहा था कि वह न्यायशास्त्रका सर्वश्रेष्ठ ग्रन्थ माना जाय; किंतु मेरी आशा नष्ट हो गयी। तुम्हारे इस ग्रन्थके सम्मुख मेरे ग्रन्थको पूछेगा कौन ?”
‘बस, इतनी-सी बातके लिये आप इतने संत हो रहे हैं!’ निमाई तो बालकोंके समान खुलकर हँस पड़े। ‘बहुत बुरी है यह पुस्तक, जिसने मेरे मित्रको इतना कष्ट दिया!’ रघुनाथ कुछ समझें, इससे पूर्व तो निमाईने अपने ग्रन्थको उठाकर गङ्गाजीमें बहा दिया। उसके पन्ने भगवती भागीरथीकी लहरोंपर बिखरकर तैरने लगे।
रघुनाथके मुखसे दो क्षण तो एक शब्द भी नहीं निकला और फिर वे निमाईके पैरोंपर गिरनेको झुक पड़े; किंतु निमाईकी विशाल भुजाओंने उन्हें रोककर हृदयसे लगा लिया था ।
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was known by the name of Nimai in Navadvipa in those days. His condition was only sixteen years old. After completing his studies in grammar, he made a great study of jurisprudence and was also writing a book on it. His classmate Pt. Shrirghunathji was writing his book ‘Didhiti’ on justice in those days, which is considered a famous book on this subject.
Pandit Shrirghunathji came to know that Nimai is also writing a book on justice. He expressed his desire to see that book. On the second day, Nimai brought his book with him and on the way to the school, when both the companions sat on the boat, Nimai started reciting his book there. Raghunath Pandit felt very sad after listening to that book. Drops of tears started dripping from his eyes.
While reading, Nimai raised his head in the middle and – seeing Raghunath crying, he said with surprise – ‘Brother! Why are you crying ?”
Raghunath said in a simple way – ‘ I was writing a book with this desire that it should be considered the best book of jurisprudence; But my hope was destroyed. Who will ask my book in front of this book of yours?
‘Just for such a small thing you are becoming such a saint!’ Nimai laughed out loud like a child. ‘Too bad is this book, which has caused so much trouble to my friend!’ Before Raghunath understood something, Nimai took his books and threw them in Gangaji. Its pages scattered on the waves of Bhagwati Bhagirathi and started floating.
Not even a word came out of Raghunath’s mouth for two moments and then he bowed down to fall at Nimai’s feet; But Nimai’s huge arms held him close to his heart.