दण्डमें ईखका खेत
समर्थ गुरु श्रीरामदास थे छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराजक गुरु ।
एक बार वे अपने चेलोंके साथ शिवाजीके पास जा रहे थे। रास्तेमें ईखका एक खेत पड़ा। चेलोंकी तबीयत न मानी। वे ईख तोड़-तोड़कर चूसने लगे। इतनेमें आ गया खेतका रखवाला। चेले भाग गये। समर्थ बैठे थे एक पेड़के नीचे। खेतवालेने सोचा-‘इसी गुसाईंकी करतूत है यह। इसीने कह दिया होगा चेलोंसे कि उजाड़ दो इसका खेत।’ उसने बुरी तरह पिटाई की समर्थकी। वे चुपचाप सारी मार झेलते रहे।
शिवाजी महाराजने जब समर्थकी पीठपर साँटें उच्छरी देखीं, तो पता लगाया कि बात क्या है।
ईखवाला जब पकड़कर सामने आया तो शिवाजीने पूछा-‘गुरुदेव! क्या दण्ड दिया जाय इसे ?’
समर्थ बोले- ‘क्या दण्ड देगा शिवा ? दण्डमें दे दे अपना ईखका खेत इसीको ।
sugarcane field
Samarth Guru Shriramdas was the Guru of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Once he was going to Shivaji with his disciples. There was a sugarcane field on the way. The health of the disciples did not agree. They started sucking by breaking the reed. Meanwhile the keeper of the field came. The disciples ran away. Samarth was sitting under a tree. The farmer thought – ‘This is the act of his anger. He must have told his disciples to destroy his field.’ He badly thrashed the supporter. They silently bore all the beatings.
When Shivaji Maharaj saw the spits raised on the supporters’ backs, he found out what was the matter.
When Ikhwala came in front after holding it, Shivaji asked – ‘Gurudev! What punishment should be given to him?
Samarth said – ‘ What punishment will Shiva give? Give your sugarcane field to him as punishment.