श्री राम स्तुति श्रीरामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणम् ।


श्रीरामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणम् ।
नवकञ्ज लोचन कञ्जमुख कर कञ्जपद कञ्जारुणम् ॥ १ ॥

कंदर्प अगणित अमित छबि नव नील नीरज सुन्दरम् ।
पटपीत मानहुं तड़ित रूचि-शुची नौमि जनक सुतावरम् ॥ २ ॥

भजु दीन बन्धु दिनेश दानव दैत्यवंशनिकन्दनम् ।
रघुनन्द आनंदकंद कोशल चन्द दशरथ नन्दनम् ॥ ३ ॥

सिर मुकुट कुण्डल तिलक चारु उदारु अङ्ग विभूषणम् ।
आजानुभुज शर चापधर सङ्ग्राम-जित-खर दूषणम् ॥ ४ ॥

इति वदति तुलसीदास शङ्कर शेष मुनि मनरञ्जनम् ।
मम हृदयकञ्ज निवास कुरु कामादि खलदलगञ्जनम् ॥ ५ ॥

मनु जाहीं राचेउ मिलिहि सो बरु सहज सुन्दर साँवरो ।
करुना निधान सुजान सीलु सनेहु जानत रावरो ॥ ६ ॥

एही भांति गोरी असीस सुनी सिय सहित हिय हरषीं अली ।
तुलसी भवानिह पूजी पुनि-पुनि मुदित मन मंदिर चली ॥ ७ ॥

जानी गौरी अनुकूल सिय हिय हरषु न जाइ कहि ।
मंजुल मंगल मूल बाम अंग फरकन लगे ॥८॥

O merciful Lord Rāmacandra, worship Him who destroys the mind and the terrible fear of material existence.
His eyes are like new lotuses, his face is like a lotus, his hands are like lotuses, and his feet are like lotuses. 1 ॥
Cupid is countless, immeasurable, image, nine blue, blue, beautiful.
I bow to the best of Janaka’s sons, whose taste is pure and whose taste is lightning. 2 ॥
O poor friend, Lord of the day, worship the destroyer of the race of demons and giants.
Raghunanda Anandakanda Kosala Chanda Dasaratha Nandana 3 ॥
Head, crown, earrings, tilaka, beautiful, generous body ornaments.
Knowledge-armed, arrow-wielding, bow-wielding, battle-winning, donkey-destroying. 4 ॥
This is what Tulsidas, Lord Śiva and the rest of the sages say, delighting the mind.
O lotus of my heart, please dwell in me, for you are the ointment of the wicked petals of lust. 5 ॥
Manu jahin racheu milihi so baru sahaj sundar saanwaro.
Karuna Nidhan Sujan Seelu Sanehu Jant Ravaro ॥ 6 ॥
In this way, the fair woman, hearing the blessings, rejoiced with her heart.
Tulsi bhavanih pooji pun-pun mudit mana mandir chali ॥ 7 ॥
Jani Gauri Anukul Siya Hiya Harshu Na Jai Kahi.
Manjul Mangal Mool Bam Ang Farkan Lage ॥8॥

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