त्रिशूल रूप धारिणीम झुंझुनू निवासिनीम

IMG 20220912 WA0109

त्रिशूल रूप धारिणीम , झुंझुनू निवासिनीम ,
महासती नारायणीम , नमामि सत-शिरोमणिम ।

रण प्रियाम बिरांग नाम गुर सहाय नन्दिनीम ,
सौभद्र-वाम अंगिनीम , नमामि सत-शिरोमणिम ।
त्रिशूल रूप धारिणीम , झुंझुनू निवासिनीम ,
महासती नारायणीम , नमामि सत-शिरोमणिम ।

भक्त-वतसलाम सतिम , स्वास्ति रूप धारिणीम ।
सौभाग्य-वर प्रदायनीम , नमामि सत-शिरोमणिम ।
त्रिशूल रूप धारिणीम , झुंझुनू निवासिनीम ,
महासती नारायणीम , नमामि सत-शिरोमणिम ।

गोयल सुताम , पति व्रताम , यवन दल विनाशिनीम ,
शत्रु-दाल विदारिणीम , नमामि सत-शिरोमणिम ।
त्रिशूल रूप धारिणीम , झुंझुनू निवासिनीम ,
महासती नारायणीम , नमामि सत-शिरोमणिम ।

त्रिशूल रूप धारिणीम , झुंझुनू निवासिनीम ,
महासती नारायणीम , नमामि सत-शिरोमणिम ।त्रिशूल रूप धारिणीम , झुंझुनू निवासिनीम ,
महासती नारायणीम , नमामि सत-शिरोमणिम ।

Trishul Roop Dharinim, Jhunjhunu Nivasinim,
I bow to the great chaste Narayani, the head of the true.
Ran Priyam Birang Naam Gur Sahay Nandinim ,
Saubhadra-vam angini, I bow to the true head.
Trishul Roop Dharinim, Jhunjhunu Nivasinim,
I bow to the great chaste Narayani, the head of the true.
Bhakta-vatsalam satim , holding the form of Swasti.
I bow to the bestower of the boons of fortune, the head of the true.
Trishul Roop Dharinim, Jhunjhunu Nivasinim,
I bow to the great chaste Narayani, the head of the true.
Goyal Sutam, Pati Vratam, Yavan Dal Vinashinim,
I bow to you, who breaks the enemy’s stalk, and who is the head of the true.
Trishul Roop Dharinim, Jhunjhunu Nivasinim,
I bow to the great chaste Narayani, the head of the true.
Trishul Roop Dharinim, Jhunjhunu Nivasinim,
I bow to the great chaste Narayani, the head of the true.

Trishul Roop Dharinim, Jhunjhunu Nivasinim,
I bow to the great chaste Narayani, the head of the true.

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