जहाँ चाह, वहाँ राह

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जहाँ चाह, वहाँ राह

अस्सी वर्ष पूर्व उत्तरप्रदेशके गोपामऊ नामक गाँवमें एक बालकका जन्म हुआ। उसके हाथ कलाईके पाससे जुड़े हुए थे। वह कलम नहीं पकड़ सकता था और न ही कोई चीज उठानेके काबिल था । माता-पिता दुखी थे, लेकिन बालक पढ़ना चाहता था। माँ हिंदी और संस्कृत जानती थी और पिता फारसी । बालकने अपनी माँसे अक्षर सीख लिये। अब वह श्रीरामचरितमानसकी चौपाइयाँ सुना सकता था। लेकिन दुर्भाग्य, वह लिखे, तो कैसे ?
एक दिन एक घटना घटी। पिता कुछ लिख रहे थे और बालक उसे बैठे-बैठे देख रहा था। वे थोड़ी देरके लिये अपने मित्रसे बात करनेके लिये बाहर निकले। बालकने सामने कागज रखा, कलमको एक हाथकी उँगलीमें किसी तरह दबा लिया और पैरसे उस हाथको चलाना शुरू किया। पिताने एक पन्नेपर जो लिखा था, बच्चेने उसकी हू-ब-हू नकल कर दी।
लौटकर पिताने देखा तो उनकी खुशीका ठिकाना न रहा। उन्होंने उसे एक पाठशालामें भरती करा दिया। उस समय उसकी अवस्था नौ वर्षकी थी।
यही बालक हिंदीमें एम0ए0 तथा पी-एच0 डी0 करके अंततः इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालयमें हिंदीका प्रोफेसर और विभागाध्यक्ष बना। क्या आप जानना चाहेंगे कि कौन था वह व्यक्ति ? जी हाँ, उसका नाम था रघुवंश, जो आगे चलकर डॉ0 रघुवंशके नामसे विख्यात हुए।

where there is a will there is a way
Eighty years ago, a child was born in a village named Gopamau in Uttar Pradesh. His hands were joined near the wrists. He could not hold a pen nor was he able to lift anything. The parents were sad, but the boy wanted to study. Mother knew Hindi and Sanskrit and father Persian. Children learned letters from their mothers. Now he could recite the couplets of Shri Ramcharitmanas. But bad luck, he wrote, so how?
One day an incident happened. The father was writing something and the child was watching him sitting. He went out to talk to his friend for a while. The child kept the paper in front of him, somehow pressed the pen in the finger of one hand and started moving that hand with his foot. The child copied exactly what the father had written on a page.
When the father saw it after returning, his happiness knew no bounds. They got him admitted in a school. At that time his condition was nine years old.
This boy, after doing M.A. and Ph.D. in Hindi, eventually became Professor and Head of Department of Hindi in Allahabad University. Would you like to know who was that person? Yes, his name was Raghuvansh, who later became famous as Dr. Raghuvansh.

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