दक्षिणेश्वरमें एक दिन एक अवधूत आये। उनके केश और नख बढ़े हुए थे, शरीर धूलिसे सना था, मैली फटी गुदड़ी पहन रखी थी उन्होंने जब भिखारियों को भोजन दिया जाने लगा, तब भिखारियोंने भी उनके गंदे वेशके कारण उन्हें अपनी पंक्तिमें नहीं बैठने दिया। वे चुपचाप वहाँसे हट गये। जब सब लोग भोजन कर चुके और जूठी पत्तलें फेंक दी गयीं, तब लोगोंने देखा कि एक पत्तलमें बचे अन्नको एक कुत्ता खा रहा है और कुत्तेके गलेमें एक हाथ डाले वे महात्मा भी उसी पत्तलका अन्न खा रहे हैं।परमहंस रामकृष्णदेवने ‘हृदय’ से कहा – ‘लोग इन्हें पागल समझते हैं, किंतु ये तो परम ज्ञानी हैं। शरीराभिमानसे ये ऊपर उठ चुके हैं।’
खा-पीकर जब वे जाने लगे, तब हृदय उनके पीछे लग गया। उसने प्रार्थना की- ‘महाराज! मुझे ब्रह्मज्ञान कब होगा ?’
संतने मुड़कर देखा हृदयकी ओर और अपनी मस्तीमें ही बोले – ‘जब तुझे नालीके गंदे पानी और गङ्गाजलमें कुछ भेद नहीं जान पड़ेगा, तब ब्रह्मज्ञान होगा।’
-सु0 सिं0
One day an Avdhoot came to Dakshineswar. His hair and nails were extended, his body was covered with dust, he was wearing dirty rags. When food was given to the beggars, the beggars also did not allow them to sit in their queue because of their dirty clothes. They silently left from there. When all the people had eaten and the false plates were thrown away, then people saw that a dog was eating the food left in one of the plates and the Mahatma, putting his hand around the dog’s neck, was also eating the food from the same plate. Paramhansa Ramakrishnadev said to ‘Hriday’ – People consider him mad, but he is very wise. They have risen above body consciousness.
When they started leaving after eating and drinking, then the heart followed them. He prayed – ‘ Maharaj! When will I get Brahmagyan?’
The saint turned and looked at the heart and said in his ecstasy – ‘When you will not know any difference between the dirty water of the drain and the water of the Ganges, then there will be Brahmagyan.’