नित्य प्रेरणादायी श्लोक

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नित्य प्रेरणादायी श्लोक

भारतके महान् वीर, न्यायप्रिय, प्रतिभावान् और असाधारण विद्वान् राजा विक्रमादित्यको कौन नहीं जानता? उनकी स्मृतिमें चलनेवाले विक्रम संवत्से भी हर विद्वान् परिचित है। उन्हीं राजा विक्रमादित्यने अपने दरबारमें एक श्लोकको लिपिबद्ध कराकर सामने ही रखा हुआ था
प्रत्यहं प्रत्यवेक्षेत नरश्चरितमात्मनः ।
किन्तु मे पशुभिस्तुल्यं किन्तु सत्पुरुषैरिव ॥ अर्थात् मनुष्यको चाहिये कि वह प्रतिदिन अपने
आचरणकी समीक्षा करता रहे कि ‘मेरा आचरण पशुओं जैसा है या सत्पुरुषों-जैसा।’
प्रतिदिन सिंहासनपर बैठनेसे पहले राजा विक्रमादित्य इस श्लोकको ध्यानसे पढ़ते थे; ताकि समयकी महत्ता | और सार्थकताका बोध करानेवाले इस श्लोकसे दिन-भर प्रेरित रहें। और वाकई उनका जीवन और उनका राज्यकाल इस श्लोकके प्रकाशसे सदैव प्रकाशित रहा। तभी तो वे अपने नामानुरूप सचमुचके विक्रमादित्य बन सके।

Ever inspiring verse
Who does not know the great hero, justice, talented and extraordinary scholar of India, King Vikramaditya? Every scholar is also familiar with the Vikrama Samvat, which runs in his memory. The same King Vikramaditya had a verse written down in his court and kept it in front of him
Every day a man should examine his own conduct.
But I am equal to animals, but I am equal to good men. That is, man should have his every day
He kept reviewing his conduct, saying, ‘My conduct is like that of animals or like that of saintly men.
Every day before sitting on the throne, King Vikramaditya read this verse carefully; so that the importance of time And stay inspired by this meaningful verse throughout the day. And indeed his life and his reign were always illuminated by the light of this verse. Only then could he become a true Vikramaditya as his name suggests.

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